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Monday, June 13, 2011

How to confirm whether storage is been allocated from VIO server

testnodep# lspv
hdisk0          00c30f6576ee4c9d                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00c30f6577203c1e                    rootvg          active
hdisk2          00009cf495c3f7b8                    sanvg           active
hdisk3          00009cf495c3fabb                    sanvg           active
hdisk4          00009cf495c3fdaf                    sanvg           active
hdisk5          00009cf495c400d5                    sanvg           active
hdisk6          00009cf495c403ef                    sanvg           active
hdisk7          00009cf495d7134d                    sanvg           active
hdisk8          00009cf495d7163c                    db2vg           active
hdisk9          00009cf495d71975                    db2vg           active
hdisk10         00009cf495d71c92                    sparevg         active
hdisk11         00009cf495d71fab                    sparevg         active
hdisk12         00009cf4a3c8f9e0                    cachevg         active
hdisk13         00009cf4a3c8fcd7                    cachevg         active
hdisk14         00009cf4a3c8ffdb                    cachevg         active
hdisk15         00009cf4a3c902e0                    cachevg         active
hdisk16         00009cf4a3c905d9                    cachevg         active
hdisk17         00009cf4a44ee6fb                    None
hdisk18         00009cf4a44ee9ec                    None
hdisk19         00009cf4a44eeccf                    None
hdisk20         00009cf4a44eefb2                    None
hdisk21         00009cf4a44ef27e                    sparevg         active
hdisk22         00009cf4a44ef55a                    sparevg         active
hdisk23         00009cf4a44ef823                    sparevg         active
hdisk24         00c30f6535470ca2                    db2vg           active
hdisk25         00c30f65354879bf                    db2vg           active
hdisk26         00c30f6535487ac1                    db2vg           active
omd0            00c30f6531da5fae    None
omd1            00c30f6531da5fd6    None
testnodep# lsdev -Cc disk
hdisk0  Available          Virtual SCSI Disk Drive-------This is coming from VIO Server
hdisk1  Available          Virtual SCSI Disk Drive-------This is coming from VIO Server
hdisk2  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk3  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk4  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk5  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk6  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk7  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk8  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk9  Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk10 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk11 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk12 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk13 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk14 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk15 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk16 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk17 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk18 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk19 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk20 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk21 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk22 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk23 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk24 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk25 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)
hdisk26 Available 01-08-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)

Taking the Backup of Volume Group and restoring it into other server

The savevg command is used to build an image of cdcxpr0747vg that includes map files.

Host1: cdcxpr0747

# savevg -f /home/japrt/ -m -e -X -r -A cdcxpr0747vg

scp the map file to another host

# scp /home/japrt/ ibhagat@cihnp0749:/home/jpart

The restvg command is used to recreate the VG with the same physical Partition map.
# restvg -f /home/jpart/ -r hdisk7
Will create the Volume GroupL cdcxpr0747vg
Target Disks: hdisk7
Allocation Policy
       Shrink Filesystem:   no
       Preserver Physical Partitions for each logical volume: yes

Entery y to continue:y

FC Card Replacement in Superdome Server

Primary Details Required:

# fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 | grep "Driver state"
                           Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd1 | grep "Driver state"
                           Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd2 | grep "Driver state"
                           Driver state = ONLINE
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd3 | grep "Driver state"
                           Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP

# fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 | grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000c127e8
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd1 |grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000c127ea
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd2|grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00002aa200
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd3|grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b00002aa202

# ioscan -kfnC fc
Class     I  H/W Path        Driver   S/W State   H/W Type     Description
fc        0  1/0/10/1/0/4/0  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
fc        1  1/0/10/1/0/4/1  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)
fc        2  1/0/12/1/0/4/0  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
fc        3  1/0/12/1/0/4/1  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB465-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 2Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)

# olrad -q
Slot     Path            Bus   Max  Spd  Pwr  Occu Susp OLAR  OLD  Max   Mode
                         Num   Spd                                 Mode
0-0-3-8  1/0/12/1        352   133  133  On   Yes  No   Yes   N/A  PCI-X PCI-X
0-0-3-9  1/0/10/1        336   133  133  On   Yes  No   Yes   N/A  PCI-X PCI-X
0-0-3-10 1/0/9/1         328   133  133  On   Yes  No   Yes   N/A  PCI-X PCI-X
0-0-3-11 1/0/8/1         320   133  133  On   Yes  No   Yes   N/A  PCI-X PCI-X


# olrad -h 0-0-3-9 
1/0/10/1/0/4/0-------This one is faulty

Card location is 0-0-3-9
Card is Located at Cabinet 0, Bay 0 (Front), Chasis 3(Right), Slot Number 9

# lltstat -nvv|more
LLT node information:
    Node                 State    Link  Status  Address
   * 0 testnodep          OPEN   
                                  lan4   UP      00:17:A4:A4:25:4A
                                  lan6   UP      00:17:A4:A4:E4:DA
                                  lan900 UP      00:1E:0B:83:01:1A
     1 testnodec          OPEN   
                                  lan4   UP      00:17:A4:A4:25:22
                                  lan6   UP      00:17:A4:A4:65:92
                                  lan900 UP      00:1E:0B:83:31:70

# lanscan -qv|grep -i lan4
1/0/10/1/0/6/0 0x0017A4A4254A 4   UP    lan4 snap4     5   ETHER     Yes     119

# lanscan -qv|grep -i lan6
1/0/12/1/0/6/0 0x0017A4A4E4DA 6   UP    lan6 snap6     7   ETHER     Yes     119

# /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hastatus -summ

-- System               State                Frozen             

A  testnodep             RUNNING              0                    
A  testnodec             RUNNING              0                   

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State         

B  IMRMLESBPRD     testnodep             Y          N               ONLINE        
B  IMRMLESBPRD     testnodec             Y          N               OFFLINE       

Implementation Summary:

Note: This change can be done on-line with no impact to service

1. Log call with HP to replace card
2. Offline / Power off the FC card
3. Replace FC Card
4. Power on / Online FC Card
5. Reconfigure Network APA
6. Storage Management to re-zone to new WWN

Make a note of the existing WWN relating to the faulty card. This will help to ensure that the correct zoning and LUN security can be carried out by storage Management.

# fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 | grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000c127e8

When the FC card is ready to be replaced offline the card as follows:

Note: If Oracle is not running on testnodec or it is not using the ODM, the ODM can be stopped without affecting the service.

Stop the ODM

# /sbin/init.d/odm stop
# umount /dev/odm

# lvlnboot -v
Boot Definitions for Volume Group /dev/vg00:
Physical Volumes belonging in Root Volume Group:
        /dev/dsk/c13t0d0 (1/0/12/1/0/4/ -- Boot Disk
        /dev/dsk/c13t0d1 (1/0/12/1/0/4/
        /dev/dsk/c17t0d0 (1/0/10/1/0/4/
        /dev/dsk/c17t0d1 (1/0/10/1/0/4/
Boot: lvol1     on:     /dev/dsk/c13t0d0
Root: lvol3     on:     /dev/dsk/c13t0d0
Swap: lvol2     on:     /dev/dsk/c13t0d0
Dump: lv_dump   on:     /dev/dsk/c13t0d0, 0

Before HBA replaced

# pvchange -a n /dev/dsk/c17t0d0
# pvchange -a n /dev/dsk/c17t0d1

1.        Display Current PCI Card:

# olrad –q

  1. Run a CRA on the slot. A CRA is a Critical Resources Analysis which means the system will be checked to make sure that powering off the card in the specified slot will not lose data, network access and whole load of the other checks:

# olrad –C 0-0-3-9

  1. All I/O on the card are duplicated on another card so the card is ok to be powered off.

# olrad –f –r 0-0-3-9 

The card is now safe to removed and replaced by the HP engineer.

  1. When replaced switch the power back on the card and have the system initialize the drivers:

# olrad –R 0-0-3-9 

  1. Start /Mount the odm

# /sbin/init.d/odm start 
# mount /dev/odm

  1. Set the lan4 interface to 100fd:

Syntax: lanadmin –X 100fd <lan device>
#lanadmin –X 100fd 2

  1. Storage Management needs to re-zone and apply LUN security to the New WWN.
Inform Storage Management that the zoning and LUN security for the old WWN can be removed. Old WWN is 0x50060b0000c127e8

Get the new WWN

Syntax: fcmsutil <HBA device file>|grep "N_Port Port World Wide Name"
#fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 |grep “N_Port Port World Wide Name"

Inform Storage Management of new WWN and they will re-zone and apply LUN security

  1. Check the card has logged into the SAN fabric

Syntax: fcmsutil <HBA device file>|grep "Driver state"
# fcmsutil /dev/fcd0|grep "Driver state"

Outputs of above should be ONLINE

Re-Enable the path to the disks on new HBA
Check disk are CLAIMED on path 1/0/10/1/0/4/0

# ioscan –fnH 1/0/10/1/0/4/0

  1. If outputs from above shows that disk are in CLAIMED STATE bring the disk under vxvm control.
Veritas volume:

# vxdctl enable

LVM Volume:
After HBA replqced

# pvchange -a y /dev/dsk/c17t0d0
# pvchange -a y /dev/dsk/c17t0d1

 Than as yo have already specified reactivate vg00

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg00
# lvlnboot -R /dev/vg00