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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ioscan output shows SCAN status

test1:/root # ioscan -kfnH 0/0/6/1/0/4/0
Class     I  H/W Path       Driver   S/W State   H/W Type     Description
fc        0  0/0/6/1/0/4/0  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A9782-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel FC/GigE Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
fcp       6  0/0/6/1/0/4/0.111               fcd_fcp  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus  42  0/0/6/1/0/4/       fcd_vbus CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target  231  0/0/6/1/0/4/     tgt      CLAIMED     DEVICE      
disk      2  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d0   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d0
disk      3  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d1   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d1
disk      4  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d2   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d2
disk      5  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d3   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d3
disk      6  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d4   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d4
disk      7  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d5   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d5
disk      8  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d6   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d6
disk      9  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d7   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d7
target  232  0/0/6/1/0/4/     tgt      SCAN        DEVICE      
disk     10  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d0
disk     11  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d1   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d1
disk     12  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d2   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d2
disk     13  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d3   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d3
disk     14  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d4   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d4
disk     15  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d5   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d5
disk     16  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d6   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d6
disk     17  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d7   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d7
ext_bus  43  0/0/6/1/0/4/      fcd_vbus CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target  230  0/0/6/1/0/4/    tgt      CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl      20  0/0/6/1/0/4/  sctl     CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX

when you have multiple "ioscan" scanning the system for disk's, status of some of the disk's would be SCAN.

test01:/root # ps -ef|grep ioscan
    root 10487  9797  0 14:11:48 pts/5     0:00 grep ioscan
    root  9538  9475  0 14:04:56 pts/4     0:00 ioscan -fnC fc

To Cleat PDT Table in HP Unix Server

Halt the server at BCH Prompt-->Service Menu-->PDT-->PDT ClEAR

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > Service

---- Service Menu ------------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BAttery [<cell>]                  Display Cell Battery Status
     CLEARPIM [<cell>]                 Clear the Partition's NVM PIM data
     DimmDealloc [<cell>] [<dimm>]     Display or Deallocate a DIMM
     ErrorLog [<cell>]                 Display Error log information
     LanAddress [All|<cell>]           Display Cell LAN station address
     MemRead <address> [<len>]         Read memory locations scope of Partition
     PDT [<cell>] [CLEAR]              Display or clear the PDT
     PIM [<cell>[<cpu>]][HPMC|LPMC|TOC] Display PIM information
     SCSI [<cell>] [<path>]            Display or set SCSI device parameters
          [INIT|RATE|WIDTH <value>] [DEFAULT] [DELETE]    

     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<command>]                  Display help for specified command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile
     MAin                              Return to Main Menu
Service Menu: Enter command > PDT

 PDT Information for Partition

   Date and Time when PD PDT was Last Cleared: Never Been Cleared
             Number of Used Entries in PD PDT:   0
             Number of Free Entries in PD PDT: 200
       Number of Single Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
        Number of Multi Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
  Location of First Multi Bit Error in PD PDT: No Multi-Bit Entries
                  Amount of Good Memory in PD: 0x02000000

  Interleaving has NOT been changed due to PDT entries.
                             PD PDT IC Bitmap: 0x00000000
                             PD PDT CS Bitmap: 0x00000000

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT CLEAR

 You are about to clear the entire PDT for this partition.
 Continue? (y/[n]) >> y
 Clearing PD PDT ...
 The PDT has been cleared.
 Would you like to reboot now? (y/[n]) >>

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT CLEAR

 You are about to clear the entire PDT for this partition.
 Continue? (y/[n]) >> y
 Clearing PD PDT ...
 The PDT has been cleared.
 Would you like to reboot now? (y/[n]) >> y
 Reboot will commence shortly.

Rebooting the partition ...

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT DISPLAY

 PDT Information for Partition

   Date and Time when PD PDT was Last Cleared: 09/11/12 10:37:26
             Number of Used Entries in PD PDT:   0
             Number of Free Entries in PD PDT: 200
       Number of Single Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
        Number of Multi Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
  Location of First Multi Bit Error in PD PDT: No Multi-Bit Entries
                  Amount of Good Memory in PD: 0x02000000

  Interleaving has NOT been changed due to PDT entries.
                             PD PDT IC Bitmap: 0x00000000
                             PD PDT CS Bitmap: 0x00000002


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

lvextend: "LogicalExtentsNumber" is not bigger than current setting.

# lvextend -L 500 /dev/vgapp01/app1
lvextend: "LogicalExtentsNumber" is not bigger than current setting.

# lvdisplay /dev/vgapp01/app1
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name /dev/vgapp01/app1
VG Name /dev/vgapp01
LV Permission read/write
LV Status available/syncd
Mirror copies 0
Consistency Recovery MWC
Schedule parallel
LV Size (Mbytes) 4504
Current LE 1126
Allocated PE 1126
Stripes 0
Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
Bad block on
Allocation strict
IO Timeout (Seconds) default

When using the '-L' option in lvextend, you must enter the NEW size of the LV. In your command, you say you want to extend to LV to 500 MB. However, according to your lvdisplay, that LV is already at 4504 MB. Therefore, your command did not work.

If you want to extend the LV to 5000 MB, do:

# lvextend -L 5000 /dev/vgapp01/app1

lvextend: “LogicalExtentsNumber” is bigger than the maximum value allowed.

LogicalExtentsNumber is bigger than the maximum value allowed in HP-UX

If you get this error when trying to lvextend an lvol:

lvextend: “LogicalExtentsNumber” is bigger than the maximum value allowed.

It is because you have tried to use more than 65,535 logical extents — the limit for a logical volume.

Your only choice is to recreate the *volume group* (‘vgcreate’) and specify a larger extent size (‘-s pe_size’). The default pe_size of four (4) is small for today’s disks and file systems as is (8).

With 8, the maximum size of a lvol is: 8 * 65535 = 524280 MB which is 8 MB shy of 512 GB.

So, if you want an lvol bigger than 512 GB, then the PE size (which can only be set at vgcreate time – cannot be changed after the fact) should be 16 or 32.

Setting system initial parameters

This is a quick reminder on how to set system initial parameters like hostname, root password and networking. This routine runs directly at install time, right after the first boot and gives the newly created system all the required settings. It can come handy if you have just installed a VM (HP IVM) and have duplicated it by dd and want to change the identity of it.
# set_parms initial
Besides this, there are several options for setting the parameters one by one:
# set_parms hostname 
# set_parms timezone 
# set_parms date_time 
# set_parms ip_address 
# set_parms addl_netwrk
# set_parms locale
For more info look the man page set_parms(1M).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Shutting Down or rebooting the nPartition (Or Rebooting the vPars Monitor)

To halt or reboot the hard partition gracefully, you need to do the following:
Log into every virtual partition that is running and gracefully shutdown the partition via the HP-UX command shutdown.
There is no command that shuts down all the virtual partitions at the same time. You need to shutdown every virtual partition one at a time.
For our example, if all our partitions were up, we would need to shut them down:

winona1# vparstatus
winona1# shutdown -h

winona2# vparstatus
winona2# shutdown -h

winona3# vparstatus
winona3# shutdown -h

After the last virtual partition is shut down, you will be at the vPars Monitor prompt (MON>) on the console.
To reboot the hard partition, use the vPars Monitor command
# reboot

To shut down the rp5470/L3000 or rp7400/N4000 servers, access the GSP using Ctrl-B. You can then use the GSP command PC to power off the server. For example:

Alternatively, you can power off the rp5470/L3000 or rp7400/N4000 servers via the physical power switch.
Because no partitions are running and vPars Monitor is running only in memory, shutting down the vPars Monitor this way does not corrupt the server's memory.
To power off the cells assigned to the nPartition, access the GSP using Ctrl-B. You can then go to the Command Menu and use the command PE to power off the cells. For example:

 CO: Consoles
VFP: Virtual Front Panel
 CM: Command Menu
 CL: Console Logs
 SL: Show chassis Logs
 HE: Help
  X: Exit Connection

GSP> cm
Enter HE to get a list of available commands


This command controls power enable to a hardware device.

 B - Cabinet
 C - Cell
 I - IO Chassis
     Select Device: c

 Enter cabinet number: 0
 Enter slot number: 6

 The power state is ON for the Cell in Cabinet 0, Slot 6.
 In what state do you want the power? (ON/OFF) OFF


To add a persistent static route, you will need to create a route-ethX file.

To add a persistent static route, you will need to create a route-ethX file.

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-ethXX here refers to your interface number.

Every entry or a route has three lines as follows:

As the names implies, they are the gateway IP, Netmask and the IP/Network Address.

Note the number next to each of the three entities. This number defines the route entry number and should be the same on all the entities.


[root@vm network-scripts]# cat route-eth1

#route add -net netmask gw eth1
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
# vi route-eth1


Default route is at path:

How to check the FC card version:

testlab:/root # fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 vpd
                V I T A L   P R O D U C T   D A T A
                ---------   -------------   -------

 Product Description    : "HP 2Gb Fibre Channel FC/GigE Combo Adapter                 "

 Part number            : "A9782-60002"

 Engineering Date Code  : "A-4550"

 Part Serial number     : "PRA07071KM"

 Misc. Information      : "PW=25W;PCI 66MHZ;PCI-X 133MHZ"

 Mfd. Date              : "4608"

 Check Sum              : 0xee

 EFI version            : "001.49"

 ROM Firmware version   : "003.003.154"

 Asset Tag              : "NA"

nologin significance

You are preparing to do your monthly maintenance and want to ensure no new logins occur. You also want to make sure that no one can login during the maintenance period. Which actions do you need to take?

Create /etc/nologin file on your system
Set the NOLOGIN feature value to 1 withing /etc/default/security

ls -la result is unreadable

ls -la result is unreadable

Able to read the directory by root user, but not by normal user

$ ls
. unreadable

It is purely a permission problem.
The directory is not having read permission for either the user/group/other but having write and execute permissions

Go to its parent directory.

testlab:/usr/sap/trans#ls -ld data
drwxrwx--x  2053 root       sapsys     3379200 May  7 13:20 data
testlab:/usr/sap/trans#chmod g+r data
testlab:/usr/sap/trans#chmod o+r data
testlab:/usr/sap/trans#ls -ld data
drwxrwxr-x  2053 root       sapsys     3379200 May  7 13:20 data

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Major os-unix@ vmunix: LVM: VG 64 0x050000: PVLink 31 0x010000 Failed! The PV is still accessible.


Use this comand to find out which disk having alerts, these commands output will give you the disk device file
Syntax:ll /dev/dsk/* | grep 010000

testlab:/dev#ll /dev/dsk/* | grep 010000
brw-r-----   1 bin        sys         31 0x010000 Nov  9  2010 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0

Then check the ioscan -fnC disk and see this disk is CLAIMED

testlab:/dev#ioscan -kfnC disk /dev/dsk/c1t0d0
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      3  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HITACHI OPEN-V
                      /dev/dsk/c1t0d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0

diskinfo /dev/rdsk/if it displays the full size of disk

testlab:/dev#diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0:
             vendor: HITACHI
         product id: OPEN-V
               type: direct access
               size: 83653632 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512

Then try the dd command to find any error in the block device
Syntax: dd if=/dev/dsk/cxtxdx of=/dev/null bs=1024

testlab:/dev#dd if=/dev/dsk/c1t0d0 of=/dev/null bs=1024
2280+0 records in
2280+0 records out

Friday, April 13, 2012

vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C723C, flags == 0x0

abcd:/home/root#tail -f errlog
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C723C,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFC6C723B,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C723B,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFC6C723A,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C723A,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFC6C7239,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C7239,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFC6C7238,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFC6C7238,  flags == 0x0
Apr 11 13:05:57 abcd vmunix: function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFC6C7237,  flags == 0x0

Checke dmesg
#dmesg logs
Timeout called with negative time.
function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFBFE8B4A,  flags == 0x0
Timeout called with negative time.
function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939400, ticks == 0xFBFE8B49,  flags == 0x0
Timeout called with negative time.
function == 0xE0000000004A7FC0, arg == 0xE00000010F939800, ticks == 0xFBFE8B49,  flags == 0x0

abcd:/home/root#echo 0xE0000000004A7FC0?ia|adb -o /stand/vmunix
      alloc            r33=ar.pfs,0,11,2,0
      adds             r8=0x240,r32
      addl             r15=0x2b70,r0
mpt_os_callback + 0x10:

Raise a call with HP, scsi driver needs to be updated.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDE, flags == 0x0

Getting following error message in /var/adm/syslog/error.log

ar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDE,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDD,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDC,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDB,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FDA,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD9,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD8,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD7,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD6,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD5,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD4,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD3,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD2,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD1,  flags == 0x0
Mar 30 15:11:59 anlbilph vmunix: function == 0x2483DEA0, arg == 0x80A9C800, ticks == 0xFBD25FD0,  flags == 0x0

# echo "0x2483DEA0/i" |adb /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem
mpt_os_callback:                STD             r2,-16(r30)

Please raise a case with HP, In your system, mpt drivers needs to be updated.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

New LUN assigned to HP-Unix 11iv3 was in NO_HW status:

New LUN assigned to HP-Unix 11iv3 was in NO_HW status:

In dmesg following error messages was coming;

class : lunpath, instance 59
Evpd inquiry page 83h/80h failed or the current page 83h/80h data do not match the previous known page 83h/80h data on LUN id 0x0 probed beneath the target path (class = tgtpath, instance = 8) The lun path is (class = lunpath, instance 59).Run 'scsimgr replace_wwid' command to validate the change

class : lunpath, instance 58
Evpd inquiry page 83h/80h failed or the current page 83h/80h data do not match the previous known page 83h/80h data on LUN id 0x0 probed beneath the target path (class = tgtpath, instance = 7) The lun path is (class = lunpath, instance 58).Run 'scsimgr replace_wwid' command to validate the change

#check the lunpath number which is seens in the output it may be blocking the disk visisblity:

please run below command :
#scsimgr replace
scsimgr -f replace_wwid -C lunpath -I   ??? <whatt you see in dmesg>

scsimgr replace_wwid -C lunpath -I 58
scsimgr replace_wwid -C lunpath -I 59

#ioscan -fnC disk   

Friday, January 27, 2012

Changing the disk-naming scheme

You can either use enclosure-based naming for disks or the operating system’s naming scheme. VxVM commands display device names according the current naming scheme.
The default naming scheme is enclosure-based naming (EBN). When you install or upgrade a Storage Foundation product, the naming scheme is set to enclosure-based naming, with the following exception. If you explicitly set the naming scheme for an existing installation to operating system-based naming, the setting is preserved when you upgrade. That is, if you used the vxddladm set namingscheme=osn command for the existing installation, the upgraded 5.1 product retains the operating system-based naming.

To change the disk-naming scheme

Select Change the disk naming scheme from the vxdiskadm main menu to change the disk-naming scheme that you want VxVM to use. When prompted, enter y to change the naming scheme.
Alternatively, you can change the naming scheme from the command line. Use the following command to select enclosure-based naming:

# vxddladm set namingscheme=ebn [persistence={yes|no}] \

[use_avid=yes|no] [lowercase=yes|no]
Use the following command to select operating system-based naming:

# vxddladm set namingscheme=osn [persistence={yes|no}] \

The optional persistence argument allows you to select whether the names of disk devices that are displayed by VxVM remain unchanged after disk hardware has been reconfigured and the system rebooted. By default, enclosure-based naming is persistent. Operating system-based naming is not persistent by default.

By default, the names of the enclosure are converted to lowercase, regardless of the case of the name specified by the ASL. The enclosure-based device names are therefore in lower case. Set the lowercase=no option to suppress the conversion to lowercase.

For enclosure-based naming, the use_avid option specifies whether the Array Volume ID is used for the index number in the device name. By default, use_avid=yes, indicating the devices are named as enclosure_avid. If use_avid is set to no, DMP devices are named as enclosure_index. The index number is assigned after the devices are sorted by LUN serial number.
The change is immediate whichever method you use.