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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ioscan output shows SCAN status

test1:/root # ioscan -kfnH 0/0/6/1/0/4/0
Class     I  H/W Path       Driver   S/W State   H/W Type     Description
fc        0  0/0/6/1/0/4/0  fcd      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A9782-60001 PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel FC/GigE Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)
fcp       6  0/0/6/1/0/4/0.111               fcd_fcp  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus  42  0/0/6/1/0/4/       fcd_vbus CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Array Interface
target  231  0/0/6/1/0/4/     tgt      CLAIMED     DEVICE      
disk      2  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d0   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d0
disk      3  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d1   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d1
disk      4  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d2   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d2
disk      5  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d3   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d3
disk      6  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d4   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d4
disk      7  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d5   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d5
disk      8  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d6   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d6
disk      9  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t0d7   /dev/rdsk/c42t0d7
target  232  0/0/6/1/0/4/     tgt      SCAN        DEVICE      
disk     10  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d0
disk     11  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d1   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d1
disk     12  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d2   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d2
disk     13  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d3   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d3
disk     14  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d4   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d4
disk     15  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d5   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d5
disk     16  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d6   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d6
disk     17  0/0/6/1/0/4/   sdisk    SCAN        DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                           /dev/dsk/c42t1d7   /dev/rdsk/c42t1d7
ext_bus  43  0/0/6/1/0/4/      fcd_vbus CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Device Interface
target  230  0/0/6/1/0/4/    tgt      CLAIMED     DEVICE      
ctl      20  0/0/6/1/0/4/  sctl     CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX

when you have multiple "ioscan" scanning the system for disk's, status of some of the disk's would be SCAN.

test01:/root # ps -ef|grep ioscan
    root 10487  9797  0 14:11:48 pts/5     0:00 grep ioscan
    root  9538  9475  0 14:04:56 pts/4     0:00 ioscan -fnC fc

To Cleat PDT Table in HP Unix Server

Halt the server at BCH Prompt-->Service Menu-->PDT-->PDT ClEAR

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > Service

---- Service Menu ------------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BAttery [<cell>]                  Display Cell Battery Status
     CLEARPIM [<cell>]                 Clear the Partition's NVM PIM data
     DimmDealloc [<cell>] [<dimm>]     Display or Deallocate a DIMM
     ErrorLog [<cell>]                 Display Error log information
     LanAddress [All|<cell>]           Display Cell LAN station address
     MemRead <address> [<len>]         Read memory locations scope of Partition
     PDT [<cell>] [CLEAR]              Display or clear the PDT
     PIM [<cell>[<cpu>]][HPMC|LPMC|TOC] Display PIM information
     SCSI [<cell>] [<path>]            Display or set SCSI device parameters
          [INIT|RATE|WIDTH <value>] [DEFAULT] [DELETE]    

     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<command>]                  Display help for specified command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile
     MAin                              Return to Main Menu
Service Menu: Enter command > PDT

 PDT Information for Partition

   Date and Time when PD PDT was Last Cleared: Never Been Cleared
             Number of Used Entries in PD PDT:   0
             Number of Free Entries in PD PDT: 200
       Number of Single Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
        Number of Multi Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
  Location of First Multi Bit Error in PD PDT: No Multi-Bit Entries
                  Amount of Good Memory in PD: 0x02000000

  Interleaving has NOT been changed due to PDT entries.
                             PD PDT IC Bitmap: 0x00000000
                             PD PDT CS Bitmap: 0x00000000

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT CLEAR

 You are about to clear the entire PDT for this partition.
 Continue? (y/[n]) >> y
 Clearing PD PDT ...
 The PDT has been cleared.
 Would you like to reboot now? (y/[n]) >>

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT CLEAR

 You are about to clear the entire PDT for this partition.
 Continue? (y/[n]) >> y
 Clearing PD PDT ...
 The PDT has been cleared.
 Would you like to reboot now? (y/[n]) >> y
 Reboot will commence shortly.

Rebooting the partition ...

Service Menu: Enter command > PDT DISPLAY

 PDT Information for Partition

   Date and Time when PD PDT was Last Cleared: 09/11/12 10:37:26
             Number of Used Entries in PD PDT:   0
             Number of Free Entries in PD PDT: 200
       Number of Single Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
        Number of Multi Bit Entries in PD PDT:   0
  Location of First Multi Bit Error in PD PDT: No Multi-Bit Entries
                  Amount of Good Memory in PD: 0x02000000

  Interleaving has NOT been changed due to PDT entries.
                             PD PDT IC Bitmap: 0x00000000
                             PD PDT CS Bitmap: 0x00000002