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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

To view installed VxVM license key information

 To view installed VxVM license key information
# vxlicrep

indhost# vxlicrep

Symantec License Manager vxlicrep utility version
Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.

Creating a report on all VERITAS products installed on this system


   License Key                   = R4CE-W6IU-RZ48-WS77-UDDL-SO78-PPPN-V4U
   Product Name                = VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
   Key                               = Invalid, Key EXPIRED -936 days ago

   License Type                  = DEMO
   OEM ID                          = 4095
   Demo End Date              = Tue Apr 15 01:00:00 2008
                                       (expired -936.8 days ago).
   Editions Product             = YES

To Remove the VxVM Installed License Key

The license keys reported by /opt/VRTS/bin/vxlicrep are stored in the /etc/vx/licenses/lic directory with a .vxlic extension. For example, vxlicrep reports:

License Key = I4CU-WLID-P6BN-BAWG-OSF7-CC29-7LGC-P
Product Name = VERITAS Storage Foundation for Cluster File System
Key = Invalid, Key EXPIRED -1 days ago
License Type = DEMO
OEM ID = 4095
Demo End Date = Thu Mar 29 01:00:00 2007
(expired -1.4 days ago).
Editions Product = YES

#ls -l

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 Jan 29 07:12 I4CU-WLID-P6BN-BFWG-OSF7-CC29-7LGC-P.vxlic

To remove the license key I4CU-WLID-P6BN-BAWG-OSF7-CC29-7LGC-P for the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Cluster File System product,

#rm I4CU-WLID-P6BN-BFWG-OSF7-CC29-7LGC-P.vxlic
Rerun /opt/VRTS/bin/vxlicrep. The license will no longer be displayed

Verifying VxVM Package Installation

To verify packages installation, use OS-specific commands:
•    Solaris
o    pkginfo –l VRTSvxvm

•    HP-UX
o    swlist –l product VRTSvxvm

•    AIX
o    lslpp –l VRTSvxvm

•    Linux
o    rpm –qi VRTSvxvm

VxVm Command Log File

•    Located in /var/adm/vx/veacmdlog
•    Display a history of tasks performed in the current session and in previous sessions.
•    Example of Command log file entry:

Description: Create Volume
Date: November 24, 2009  3:59:45 PM PST
Command: /usr/sbin/vxassist   -g cdcxpd0030dg -b make lv02 27262976s layout=nostripe comment='lv02 local application volume'
Output: VxVM vxassist WARNING V-5-1-370 -b (background) operation incompatible with active-type initialization, ignored
Exit Code: 0

How to check whether the given depot will require reboot or not for installation

We can check whether following software will take reboot or not:

indhost:/var/adm/crash# swlist -l fileset -s /var/adm/crash/scsiU320-00_B.11.23.0809_HP-UX_B.11.23_IA_PA.depot -a is_reboot
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "indhost"...
# Target:  indhost:/var/adm/crash/scsiU320-00_B.11.23.0809_HP-UX_B.11.23_IA_PA.depot

# scsiU320                     
  scsiU320.SCSIU320-KRN         true      This Fileset will take Reboot        
  scsiU320.SCSIU320-KRN         true      This Fileset will take Reboot          
  scsiU320.SCSIU320-RUN         false     This Fileset will not required reboot  
  scsiU320.SCSIU320-RUN         false     This Fileset will not required reboot 

So For installing package scsiU320-00_B.11.23.0809_HP-UX_B.11.23_IA_PA.depot we require an reboot of the host.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

To Display a summary for all disk in VxVM

# vxdisk –s list
ranhost# vxdisk -s list
Disk:   IBM_VSCSI0_1
type:   auto
flags:  LVM online error private autoconfig
error:  Disk is not useable, bad format
guid:   -
udid:   AIX%5FVDASD%5FVSCSI%5F240C50%2002D0B349A06OPEN-V07HITACH
info:   format=LVM

Disk:   TagmaStore-USP0_1
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
guid:   {6bac2e3a-1dd2-11b2-ad3c-07d26e3363fa}
udid:   HITACHI%5FOPEN-V%5F0F3E5%5F30A6
site:    -
diskid: 1207570576.22.indhost
dgname: testdg
dgid:   1207570654.24.indhost
hostid: indhost
info:   format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256

Disk:   TagmaStore-USP1_0
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
guid:   {f09972f6-1dd1-11b2-a9c6-411625324c5f}
udid:   HITACHI%5FOPEN-V%5F0F3F1%5F2070
site:    -
diskid: 1207570799.27.indhost
dgname: rootdg
dgid:   1207572000.35.indhost
hostid: indhost
info:   format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256

For One particular disk

# vxdisk -s list c2t0d0

Disk:   c2t0d0
type:   auto
flags:  online ready private autoconfig invalid
guid:   -
udid:   HP%2073.4G%5FST373454LC%5FDISKS%5F3KP2YXHV%20%20%20%20
site:    -
info:   format=none

Reserving disks in VxVm

70.1    Setting Reservation On
By default, the vxassist command allocates space from any disk that has free space. You can reserve a set of disks for special purposes, such as to avoid general use of a particularly slow or a particularly fast disk.
To reserve a disk for special purposes, use the following command:

# vxedit -g testdg set reserve=on disk01

indhost# vxdisksetup -i TagmaStore-USP0_1
indhost# vxdisksetup -i TagmaStore-USP1_0
indhost# vxdg init testdg disk01=TagmaStore-USP0_1
indhost# vxdg -g testdg adddisk disk02=TagmaStore-USP1_0
indhost# vxedit -g testdg set reserve=on disk01
indhost# vxassist -g testdg make testvol 500M
indhost# vxprint -ht testvol
Disk group: testdg

SP NAME         SNAPVOL      DCO
EX NAME         ASSOC        VC                       PERMS    MODE     STATE

v  testvol      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  SELECT    -        fsgen
pl testvol-01   testvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk02-01    testvol-01   disk02   0        1024000  0         TagmaStore-USP1_0 ENA

After you enter this command, the vxassist program does not allocate space from the selected disk (disk01) unless that disk is specifically mentioned on the vxassist command line. For example, if disk01 is reserved, use the following command:

indhost# vxassist -g testdg make testvol 500M disk01
indhost# vxprint -th testvol
Disk group: testdg

SP NAME         SNAPVOL      DCO
EX NAME         ASSOC        VC                       PERMS    MODE     STATE

v  testvol      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  SELECT    -        fsgen
pl testvol-01   testvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk01-02    testvol-01   disk01   1024000  1024000  0         TagmaStore-USP0_1 ENA

The vxassist command overrides the reservation and creates a 500 megabyte volume on testdg.

70.2    To turn off reservation of a disk

indhost# vxedit -g testdg set reserve=off disk01
indhost# vxassist -g testdg remove volume testvol
indhost# vxassist -g testdg make testvol 500M
indhost# vxprint -ht testvol
Disk group: testdg

SP NAME         SNAPVOL      DCO
EX NAME         ASSOC        VC                       PERMS    MODE     STATE

v  testvol      -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  SELECT    -        fsgen
pl testvol-01   testvol      ENABLED  ACTIVE   1024000  CONCAT    -        RW
sd disk02-01    testvol-01   disk02   0        1024000  0         TagmaStore-USP1_0 ENA

Initialize a data or non-boot disk

# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i c2t0d2
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-3421 Device c2t0d2 is already in use by LVM.
# pvremove /dev/rdsk/c2t0d2
The physical volume associated with "/dev/rdsk/c2t0d2" has been removed.
# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i c2t0d2
# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t0d0s2     auto            -            -            LVM
c2t0d2       auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online

indhost# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -if TagmaStore-USP0_1
indhost# /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -if TagmaStore-USP1_0
indhost# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
IBM_VSCSI0_1 auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
TagmaStore-USP0_1 auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
TagmaStore-USP1_0 auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online

Getting an LDEV of LUNs in AIX

indhost# vxdisk list GENESIS1_163
Device:    GENESIS1_163
devicetag: GENESIS1_163
type:      auto
info:      format=none
flags:     online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/GENESIS1_163 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/GENESIS1_163
guid:      -
udid:      HITACHI%5FOPEN-V%5F0F3E5%5F20E3
site:      -
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   2
hdisk427        state=enabled
hdisk0  state=enabled

indhost# lsattr -El hdisk427
PR_key_value   none               Reserve Key                      True
clr_q          no                 Device CLEARS its Queue on error True
location                          Location Label                   True
lun_id         0xa2000000000000   Logical Unit Number ID           False
max_transfer   0x40000            Maximum TRANSFER Size            True
node_name      0x50060e8004f3e532 FC Node Name                     False
pvid           none               Physical Volume ID               False
q_err          yes                Use QERR bit                     False
q_type         simple             Queue TYPE                       True
queue_depth    2                  Queue DEPTH                      True
reassign_to    120                REASSIGN time out                True
reserve_policy single_path        Reserve Policy                   True
rw_timeout     60                 READ/WRITE time out              True
scsi_id        0xd12900           SCSI ID                          False
start_timeout  60                 START UNIT time out              True
ww_name        0x50060e8004f3e532 FC World Wide Name               False

Rename a disk in a diskgroup

Throough VEA:
  • Select the disk that you want to rename.
  • Select Actions-> Rename Disk.
  • Specify the original disk name and the new name
Through Command Line:

vxedit rename:

Syntax: # vxedit –g <dg_name> rename <old_disk_name> <new_disk_name>

indhost# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
IBM_VSCSI0_1 auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
TagmaStore-USP0_1 auto:cdsdisk    disk01       markdg       online
TagmaStore-USP1_0 auto:cdsdisk    disk02       markdg       online
indhost# vxedit -g markdg rename disk02 disk03

indhost# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
IBM_VSCSI0_1 auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
TagmaStore-USP0_1 auto:cdsdisk    disk01       markdg       online
TagmaStore-USP1_0 auto:cdsdisk    disk03       markdg       online

Making a Bootable LVM Copy of a VxVM Boot Disk

•    System should be at run level 1
•    Use the command /etc/vx/bin/vxres_lvmroot
o    –b sets primary and/or alternate boot paths
o    –v verbose
•    Example:
# /etc/vx/bin/vxres_lvmroot –v –b c3t5d0
o    creates a LVM copy of the current VxVM boot disk to c3t5d0
o    sets the primary boot path to c3t5d0

# bdf
Filesystem          kbytes    used   avail %used Mounted on
                   1048576  415148  593863   41% /
                   2064384  325568 1630227   17% /stand
                   8388608  702724 7205630    9% /var
                   8388608 2667083 5364031   33% /usr
                    524288   17378  475360    4% /tmp
                   8388608 4377947 3760007   54% /opt
                    131072    1662  121326    1% /home
DevFS                    3       3       0  100% /dev/deviceFileSystem

# setboot
Primary bootpath : 0/1/1/1.0x2.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk71)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 0/1/1/0.0x0.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk70)

Autoboot is ON (enabled)

# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c2t0d0s2     auto:hpdisk     rootdisk02   rootdg       online
c2t1d0s2     auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
c3t2d0s2     auto:hpdisk     rootdisk01   rootdg       online
c5t0d1       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg02     rootdg       online
c5t0d2       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg03     rootdg       online
c5t0d3       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg04     rootdg       online
c5t0d4       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg05     rootdg       online
c5t0d5       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg06     rootdg       online
c5t0d6       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg07     rootdg       online
c5t0d7       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg08     rootdg       online
c5t1d0       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg01     rootdg       online

# /etc/vx/bin/vxres_lvmroot -v -b c2t1d0s2
vxres_lvmroot 14:37: Gathering information on the current VxVM root config
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Checking specified disk(s) for usability
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Preparing disk c2t1d0s2 as an LVM root disk
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Creating LVM Volume Group vg00
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/standvol (hfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol1
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Cloning /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/swapvol (swap) to /dev/vg00/lvol2
vxres_lvmroot 14:38: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/rootvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol3
vxres_lvmroot 14:39: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/homevol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol4
vxres_lvmroot 14:39: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/tmpvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol5
vxres_lvmroot 14:39: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/usrvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol6
vxres_lvmroot 15:00: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/optvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol7
vxres_lvmroot 15:16: Copying /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/varvol (vxfs) to /dev/vg00/lvol8
vxres_lvmroot 15:20: Setting up disk c2t6d0 as an LVM boot disk
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Installing fstab and fixing dev nodes on ne
root FS
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Current setboot values:
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Primary: 0/0/2/0.6.0
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Alternate: 0/4/0/0.12.0
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Making disk c2t6d0 (0/0/2/1.6.0) the primary boot disk
vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Making disk c1t6d0 (0/0/2/0.6.0) the alternate boot disk

vxres_lvmroot 15:21: Disk c2t6d0 is now an LVM (VG vg00) rootable boot disk

# setboot
Primary bootpath : 0/1/1/0.0x1.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk69)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 0/1/1/1.0x2.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk71)

Making a Bootable VxVM Copy of an LVM Boot Disk

•    System should be at run level 1
•    swagentd has to be running
•    Use the command /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot
o    Initializes a specified physical disk as a VxVM root disk named rotodisk## (where ## is the first number starting at 01 that creates a unique disk name)
o    Copies the contents of the volumes on the LVM root disk to the new VxVM root disk.
o    Optionally creates a mirror of the VxVM root disk on another specified physical disk.
•    Options for vxcp_lvmroot
o    –b sets primary and/or alternate boot paths
o    –v verbose
o    –R reduce file system sizes by percent
o    –m creates a root mirror of the VxVM copy
•    Example using all of the options”
# /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot –m c4t6d0 –R 20 –v –b c3t5d0
o    creates a VxVM copy of the current LVM boot disk to c3t5d0
o    reduce each volume/filesystem size on the copy by 20%
o    sets the primary boot path to c3t5d0
o    makes a mirrored VxVM boot disk on c4t6d0
o    sets the alternate boot path to c4t6d0

The above recommendation to run vxcp_lvmroot at run level 1 does not work without starting a few services.

# /sbin/init.d/net.init start
#/sbin/init.d/net start
#/sbin/init.d/swagentd start
#/etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot –m c4t6d0 –R 20 –v –b c3t5d0

The following exampled shows how to setup up a VxVM root disk on physical disk c3t2d0

# bdf
Filesystem          kbytes    used   avail %used Mounted on
                   1048576  414917  594082   41% /
                   2064384  325562 1630233   17% /stand
                   8388608  702152 7206179    9% /var
                   8388608 2667083 5364031   33% /usr
                    524288   17379  475359    4% /tmp
                   8388608 4377947 3760007   54% /opt
                    131072    1662  121326    1% /home
DevFS                    3       3       0  100% /dev/deviceFileSystem

# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c2t0d0s2     auto:hpdisk     -            -            online
c2t1d0s2     auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
c3t2d0s2     auto:hpdisk     rootdisk01   rootdg       online
c5t0d1       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg02     rootdg       online
c5t0d2       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg03     rootdg       online
c5t0d3       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg04     rootdg       online
c5t0d4       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg05     rootdg       online
c5t0d5       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg06     rootdg       online
c5t0d6       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg07     rootdg       online
c5t0d7       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg08     rootdg       online
c5t1d0       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg01     rootdg       online

# /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot -v -b c3t2d0
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4668 01:13: Bootdisk is configured with new-style DSF
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2499 01:13: Gathering information on LVM root volume group vg00
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2441 01:13: Checking specified disk(s) for usability
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4679 01:13: Using legacy-style DSF names
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2566 01:13: Preparing disk c3t2d0 as a VxVM root disk
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-3767 01:13: Disk c3t2d0 is now EFI partitioned disk c3t2d0s2
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2537 01:13: Initializing DG rootdg with disk c3t2d0s2 as DM rootdisk01
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:13: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol1 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1604 01:13: Cloning /dev/vg00/lvol2 (swap) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:13: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol3 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:14: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol4 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:14: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol5 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:14: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol6 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:21: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol7 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1606 01:24: Copying /dev/vg00/lvol8 (vxfs) to
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4678 01:25: Setting up disk c3t2d0s2 as a boot disk
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-1638 01:25: Installing fstab and fixing dev nodes on new root
rm: /tmpmnt.13911.30026//etc/vx/darecs non-existent
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2538 01:26: Installing bootconf & rootconf files in new stand
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2462 01:26: Current setboot values:
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2569 01:26: Primary: 0/1/1/0.0x1.0x0 /dev/rdisk/disk70
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-2416 01:26: Alternate:
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4676 01:26: Making disk /dev/rdisk/disk71_p2 the primary boot
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4663 01:26: Making disk /dev/rdisk/disk70_p2 the alternate
boot disk
VxVM vxcp_lvmroot INFO V-5-2-4671 01:26: Disk c3t2d0s2 is now a VxVM rootable boot disk

Note: The –b option to vxcp_lvmroot uses the setboot command to define c3t2d0 as the primary boot device. If this option is not specified, the primary boot device is not changed.

If the destination VxVM root disk is not big enough to accommodate the contents of the LVM root disk, you can use the –R option to specify a percentage by which to reduce the size of the file systems on the target disk. (This takes advantage of the fact that most of these file systems are usually nowhere near 100% full.) For example, to specify a size reduction of 30%, the following command would be used:

# /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot –R 30 -v -b c3t2d0s2

The next example uses the same command and additionally specifies the –m options to set up a root mirror on disk c2t0d0s2

# /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot –m c2t0d0s2 –R 30 -v -b c3t2d0s2

In this example, the –b options to vxcp_lvmroot sets c3t2d0 as the primary boot device and c2t0d0 as the alternate boot device. This command is equivalent to using vxcp_lvmroot to create the VxVM-rootable disk, and then using the vxrootmir to create the mirror:

# /etc/vx/bin/vxcp_lvmroot -v -b c3t2d0s2
# /etc/vx/bin/vxrootmir –v –b c2t0d0s2

# /etc/vx/bin/vxrootmir -v -b c2t0d0s2
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2501 03:26: Gathering information on the current VxVMn
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2441 03:26: Checking specified disk(s) for usability
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-4679 03:26: Using legacy-style DSF names
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2566 03:26: Preparing disk disk70_p2 as a VxVM root dk
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-3766 03:26: Disk disk70_p2 is now EFI partitioned dis2
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2410 03:26: Adding disk disk70_p2 to rootdg as DM roo2
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1646 03:26: Mirroring all volumes on root disk
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:26: Mirroring volume standvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:27: Mirroring volume swapvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:31: Mirroring volume rootvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:31: Mirroring volume tmpvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:32: Mirroring volume homevol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:32: Mirroring volume optvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:36: Mirroring volume usrvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1648 03:39: Mirroring volume varvol
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2462 03:43: Current setboot values:
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2569 03:43: Primary:  0/1/1/1.0x2.0x0 /dev/rdisk/disk1
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2416 03:43: Alternate:        0/1/1/0.0x1.0x0 /dev/rd9
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-2551 03:43: Making mirror disk disk70 (/dev/rdisk/disk
Alternate boot path set to 0/1/1/0.0x0.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk70)
VxVM vxrootmir INFO V-5-2-1616 03:43: Disk c2t0d0 is now a mirrored root disk

The disk name assigned to the VxVM root disk mirror also uses the format rootdisk## with ## set to the next available number.

# setboot
Primary bootpath : 0/1/1/1.0x2.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk71)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 0/1/1/0.0x1.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk69)

# setboot
Primary bootpath : 0/1/1/1.0x2.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk71)
HA Alternate bootpath :
Alternate bootpath : 0/1/1/0.0x0.0x0 (/dev/rdisk/disk70)

# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c2t0d0s2     auto:hpdisk     rootdisk02   rootdg       online
c2t1d0s2     auto:LVM        -            -            LVM
c3t2d0s2     auto:hpdisk     rootdisk01   rootdg       online
c5t0d1       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg02     rootdg       online
c5t0d2       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg03     rootdg       online
c5t0d3       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg04     rootdg       online
c5t0d4       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg05     rootdg       online
c5t0d5       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg06     rootdg       online
c5t0d6       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg07     rootdg       online
c5t0d7       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg08     rootdg       online
c5t1d0       auto:cdsdisk    rootdg01     rootdg       online

# vxdg free
GROUP        DISK         DEVICE       TAG          OFFSET    LENGTH    FLAGS
rootdg       rootdg01     c5t1d0       c5t1d0       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg02     c5t0d1       c5t0d1       0         9387904   -
rootdg       rootdg03     c5t0d2       c5t0d2       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg04     c5t0d3       c5t0d3       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg05     c5t0d4       c5t0d4       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg06     c5t0d5       c5t0d5       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg07     c5t0d6       c5t0d6       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdg08     c5t0d7       c5t0d7       0         4145024   -
rootdg       rootdisk01   c3t2d0s2     c3t2d0s2     37322752  33440672  -
rootdg       rootdisk02   c2t0d0s2     c2t0d0s2     37322752  33440672  -

How to convert a Logical Volume Manager volume group with striped logical volume to a VERITAS Volume Manager (tm) disk group using vxvmconvert

1. Partial output of lvdisplay on a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) striped logical volume:

--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name                     /dev/vg01/lvol1
VG Name                     /dev/vg01
LV Permission               read/write  
LV Status                   available/syncd          
Mirror copies               0           
Consistency Recovery        MWC                
Schedule                    striped     
LV Size (Mbytes)            1008           
Current LE                  252      
Allocated PE                252        
Stripes                     3      
Stripe Size (Kbytes)        64                 
Bad block                   on          
Allocation                  strict                   
IO Timeout (Seconds)        default            

  --- Distribution of logical volume ---
  PV Name            LE on PV  PE on PV 
  /dev/dsk/c7t1d0    84        84       
  /dev/dsk/c7t2d0    84        84       
  /dev/dsk/c7t4d0    84        84       
2. Unmount all file systems

3. Run vxvmconvert and select option 1, Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion:

# vxvmconvert

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion

1      Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2      Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3      Roll back from VxVM to LVM
list   List disk information
listvg List LVM Volume Group information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: 1

Analyze one or more LVM Volume Groups
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion/Analyze_LVM_VGs

Use this operation to analyze one or more LVM Volume Groups for possible conversion to VxVM disk groups.  This operation checks for problems that would prevent the conversion from completing successfully.  For example, it calculates the space required to add an LVM Volume Group's disk's to a VxVM disk group and to replace any existing LVM partitions and volumes with VxVM Volume Manager volumes, plexes, and sub-disks.

For this release, conversion is only allowed for Non-root LVM Volume Groups.  Hence, analysis is only allowed on Non-root LVM Volume Groups.

More than one Volume Group or pattern may be entered at the prompt.
Here are some LVM Volume Group selection examples:

all:          analyze all LVM Volume Groups (all except Root VG)
listvg:       list all LVM Volume Groups
list:         list all disk devices
vg_name:      a single LVM Volume Group, named vg_name
<pattern>:    for example: vg04 vg09 vg08

Select Volume Groups to analyze :
[<pattern-list>,all,list,listvg,q,?] vg01


Analyze this Volume Group? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

The following disks have been found in the volume group and will be analyzed for VxVM conversion.

 c7t1d0 c7t2d0 c7t4d0

To allow analysis, a new VxVM disk group, dg01, will be fabricated and the disk device c7t1d0 will be added to the disk group with the disk name dg0101.

The c7t1d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

To allow analysis, a new VxVM disk group, dg01, will be fabricated and the disk device c7t2d0 will be added to the  disk group with the disk name dg0102.

The c7t2d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

To allow analysis, a new VxVM disk group, dg01, will be fabricated and the disk device c7t4d0 will be added to the disk group with the disk name dg0103.

The c7t4d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

The first stage of the Analysis process completed successfully.

Second Stage Conversion Analysis of  vg01
Analysis of vg01 found sufficient Private Space for conversion

Conversion Analysis of the following devices was successful.

 c7t1d0 c7t2d0 c7t4d0

Hit RETURN to continue.

  Volume Group Analysis Completed

Hit RETURN to continue.

4. Now select option 2, Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM:

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion

1      Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2      Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3      Roll back from VxVM to LVM
list   List disk information
listvg List LVM Volume Group information

?      Display help about menu
??     Display help about the menuing system
q      Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: 2

Convert one or more LVM Volume Groups
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion/Convert_LVM_VGs

Use this operation to convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM disk groups.
This adds the disks to a disk group and replaces existing LVM volumes with VxVM volumes.  LVM-VxVM Volume Group conversion may require a reboot for the changes to take effect. For this release, only Non- root LVM Volume Groups can be converted.

More than one Volume Group or pattern may be entered at the prompt.
Here are some LVM Volume Group selection examples:

all:          convert all LVM Volume Groups (all except Root VG)
listvg:       list all LVM Volume Groups
list:         list all disk devices
vg_name:      a single LVM Volume Group, named vg_name
<pattern>:    for example:  vg04 vg08 vg09

Select Volume Groups to convert :
[<pattern-list>,all,list,listvg,q,?] vg01


Convert this Volume Group? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

Specify a name for the new VxVM disk group (default: dg01) EMCdg

The following disks have been found in the vg01 volume group  and will be configured for conversion to VxVM disk groups.

 c7t1d0 c7t2d0 c7t4d0

A new disk group EMCdg will be created and the disk device c7t1d0  will be converted and added to the disk group with the disk name EMCdg01.

The c7t1d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

A new disk group EMCdg will be created and the disk device c7t2d0 will be converted and added to the disk group with the disk name EMCdg02.

The c7t2d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

A new disk group EMCdg will be created and the disk device c7t4d0 will be converted and added to the disk group with the disk name EMCdg03.

The c7t4d0 disk has been analyzed and prepared for conversion.

The first stage of the conversion operation has completed successfully.  If you commit to the changes hereafter, the system
will attempt to umount all of the associated file systems, stop and export each Volume Group, and then attempt to complete the conversion without having to reboot the system. If we are unable to stop and export any of the Volume Groups, then the conversion process will not be able to complete without a reboot. You would then be given the choice to either abort the conversion, or finish the conversion by rebooting the system.

The conversion process will update the /etc/fstab file so that volume devices are used to mount the file systems on this disk device.  You will need to update any other references such as backup scripts, databases, or manually created swap devices. If you do not like the default names chosen for the corresponding logical volumes, you may change these to whatever you like using vxedit.

Second Stage Conversion Analysis of  vg01
Analysis of vg01 found sufficient Private Space for conversion

Conversion Analysis of the following devices was successful.

c7t1d0 c7t2d0 c7t4d0

Hit RETURN to continue.

Are you ready to commit to these changes? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

Saving LVM configuration records for Volume Group vg01 ...

LVM Volume Group vg01 records saved.

Unmounting vg01 file systems...

The Volume Manager is now reconfiguring (partition phase)...

Volume Manager: Initializing c7t1d0 as a converted LVM disk.

Volume Manager: Initializing c7t2d0 as a converted LVM disk.

Volume Manager: Initializing c7t4d0 as a converted LVM disk.

Volume Manager:  Reconfiguration will be done without rebooting.

The Volume Manager is now reconfiguring (initialization phase)...

Volume Manager: Adding EMCdg01 (c7t1d0) as a converted LVM disk.

Volume Manager: Adding EMCdg02 (c7t2d0) as a converted LVM disk.

Volume Manager: Adding EMCdg03 (c7t4d0) as a converted LVM disk.
Adding volumes for c7t1d0...
Starting new volumes...
Updating /etc/fstab...

Volume Manager:  Converting LVM Volume Groups to VxVM disk groups.

Convert other LVM Volume Groups? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
5. Now /etc/fstab has been updated:

# more /etc/fstab:

# System /etc/fstab file.  Static information about the file systems
# See fstab(4) and sam(1M) for further details on configuring devices.
/dev/vg00/lvol3 / vxfs delaylog 0 1
/dev/vg00/lvol1 /stand hfs defaults 0 1
/dev/vg00/lvol4 /opt vxfs delaylog 0 2
/dev/vg00/lvol5 /tmp vxfs delaylog 0 2
/dev/vg00/lvol6 /usr vxfs delaylog 0 2
/dev/vg00/lvol7 /var vxfs delaylog 0 2
/dev/vg00/lvol8 /home vxfs delaylog 0 2
/dev/vx/dsk/EMCdg/lvol1 /data1  vxfs    delaylog        0       2
#NOTE: volume lvol1 (/data1) converted LVM volume vg01/lvol1
6. Make sure all volumes of the newly converted disk group are enabled/active:

# vxprint -g EMCdg -ht

dg EMCdg        default      default  6747000  1058980812.1057.cshp7

dm EMCdg01      c7t1d0       simple   896      4191976  -
dm EMCdg02      c7t2d0       simple   896      4193133  -
dm EMCdg03      c7t4d0       simple   896      4193133  -

v  lvol1        -            ENABLED  ACTIVE   1032192  fsgen     -        ROUND
pl lvol1-01     lvol1        ENABLED  ACTIVE   1032192  STRIPE    3/64     RW
sd EMCdg01-03   lvol1-01     EMCdg01  0        344064   0/0       c7t1d0   ENA
sd EMCdg02-03   lvol1-01     EMCdg02  0        344064   1/0       c7t2d0   ENA
sd EMCdg03-03   lvol1-01     EMCdg03  0        344064   2/0       c7t4d0   ENA

7. Mount all file systems:

# mountall

8. Make sure the file systems are mounted correctly:

# bdf
Filesystem          kbytes    used   avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol3     204800   49712  153880   24% /
/dev/vg00/lvol1     295024   42976  222544   16% /stand
/dev/vg00/lvol7    1331200  567952  758424   43% /var
/dev/vg00/lvol6    1290240  688552  597016   54% /usr
/dev/vg00/lvol5     204800    2336  200888    1% /tmp
/dev/vg00/lvol4    1433600  132688 1290776    9% /opt
/dev/vg00/lvol8      20480    2280   18072   11% /home
                   417792    1205  390558    0% /data3

Identifying Master Node on Cluster Volume Manager

root@indhost-s71.prd:/etc/vx/bin# vxdctl -c mode
mode: enabled: cluster active - SLAVE
master: indhost-s72

Here cluster volume Manager is installed.
Need to make sure you need to ask the storage team to make visisble any disk to following all nodes:
root@indhost-s72.prd--- Master Node

Subdisk disk-02 would overlap subdisk disk-01


vxresize fails with error message "VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-10127 creating subdisk disk-02: Subdisk disk-02 would overlap subdisk disk-01"
Command vxresize fails with an overlap message when there is enough free space in the disk group to grow the volume.

There is enough free space in the disk group to increase the volume size:

# vxassist -g <diskgroup> maxgrow <volume>

Volume <volume> can be extended by <maxgrow_value> to: <maxsize> (<maxsize_MB>Mb)

The vxresize command fails with the following error message:

# vxresize -F vxfs –g <diskgroup> <volume> +1020mb

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-10127 creating subdisk< diskname>-02:
Subdisk< diskname>-02 would overlap subdisk <diskname>-01

The in-memory configuration that tracks free space on disks has become corrupted and is incorrectly reporting a disk as having free space.

Verify this case using the following procedure (replace <diskname> with the text shown in the vxresize error message):

# vxprint -g <diskgroup> -ht | grep <diskname>

# vxprint -ht | grep sdc

dm sdc sdc auto 2048 60126464 –
sd sdc-01 tvol-01 sdc 0 60125184 0 sdc ENA

The line showing 'sdc-01' indicates that the subdisk takes almost the entire available space (60126464 available, 60125184 allocated).

Now examine the vxdg free output -- this output is generated by the in-memory configuration database and not determined by examining the disk:

# vxdg free | grep < diskname>

testdg sdc sdc sdc 0 60125184 –

The vxdg free output indicates that this disk is registered in the in-memory configuration as having a large amount of free space.


This is a known issue and fixed in following patches.

Solaris : 4.1MP2RP3 / 5.0MP1RP4


This issue can be immediately corrected by restarting the vxconfigd daemon. See the following for details on how to perform that operation based on your environment.

For systems running VERITAS Volume Manager in a non-cluster environment
1. Restart vxconfigd:

# /sbin/vxconfigd –k

For systems running VERITAS Volume Manager in a VERITAS Cluster Server environment
1. Freeze all service groups running on the system that have Volume Manager resources:

# hagrp -freeze< service_group_name>

2. Restart vxconfigd:

# /sbin/vxconfigd –k

3. Unfreeze the service groups:

# hagrp -unfreeze <service_group_name>

For systems running Cluster Volume Manager

1. Stop the cluster on the local node:

# hastop –local

2. Restart vxconfigd:

# /sbin/vxconfigd –k

3. Start the cluster on the local node:

# hastart

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Encapsulating an disk in vxvm

Encapsulation : We usually need encapsulation of root disk because we have to keep existing data. It is used at the time of root mirroring

Initialization: When we add a disk we need initialized to make it under VxVM Control. During initialization all data will be destroyed. We never initialized root disk during mirroring.

Encapsulating a disk 
This section describes how to encapsulate a disk for use in VxVM. Encapsulation preserves any existing data on the disk when the disk is placed under VxVM control. 

Caution: Encapsulating a disk requires that the system be rebooted several times. Schedule performance of this procedure for a time when this does not inconvenience users. 

To prevent the encapsulation failing, make sure that: 
The disk has two free partitions for the public and private regions.
The disk has an s2 slice. 
The disk has a small amount of free space (at least 1 megabyte at the beginning or end of the disk) that does not belong to any partition. If the disk being encapsulated is the root disk, and this does not have sufficient free space available, a similar sized portion of the swap partition is used instead. 

Note: Only encapsulate a root disk if you also intend to mirror it. There is no benefit in root-disk encapsulation for its own sake.

Use the format or fdisk commands to obtain a printout of the root disk partition table before you encapsulate a root disk. For more information, see the appropriate manual pages. You may need this information should yousubsequently need to recreate the original root disk. 

You cannot grow or shrink any volume (rootvol, usrvol, varvol, optvol, swapvol, and so on) that is associated with an encapsulated root disk. This is because these volumes map to physical partitions on the disk, and these partitions must be contiguous.

Caution: If the root disk is encapsulated and the dump device is covered by the swap volume, it is not safe to use the savecore-L operation because this overwrites the swap area. Configure a dedicated dump device on a partition other than the swap area. 

To encapsulate a disk for use in VxVM 
Select menu item 2 (Encapsulate one or more disks) from the vxdiskadm main menu. 

Note: Your system may use device names that differ from the examples shown here. 

At the following prompt, enter the disk device name for the disks to be encapsulated: 

Encapsulate one or more disks
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/Encapsulate

Use this operation to convert one or more disks to use the Volume Manager. This adds the disks to a disk group and replaces existing partitions with volumes. Disk encapsulation requires a reboot for the changes to take effect.

More than one disk or pattern may be entered at the prompt.Here are some disk selection examples:

all: all disks
c3 c4t2: all disks on both controller 3 and controller 4,target 2
c3t4d2: a single disk (in the c#t#d# naming scheme)
xyz_0 : a single disk (in the enclosure based naming scheme)
xyz_ : all disks on the enclosure whose name is xyz

Select disk devices to encapsulate:
 [<pattern-list>,all,list,q,?] device name 

Where <pattern-list> can be a single disk, or a series of disks and/or  controllers (with optional targets). If <pattern-list> consists of multiple  items, those items must be separated by white space. 
If you do not know the address (device name) of the disk to be encapsulated, enter l or list at the prompt for a complete listing of available disks. 

2 To continue the operation, enter y (or press Return) at the following prompt:
 Here is the disk selected. Output format: [Device] 
device name
Continue operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

3 To add the disk to a disk group, enter the name of the disk group (this disk group need not already exist): 
You can choose to add this disk to an existing disk group or to a new disk group. To create a new disk group, select a disk group name that does not yet exist.
Which disk group [<group>,list,q,?]

4 At the following prompt, either press Return to accept the default disk name or enter a disk name: 
Use a default disk name for the disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) 

5 To continue with the operation, enter y (or press Return) at the following prompt: 
The selected disks will be encapsulated and added to the dgname disk group with default disk names.
device name
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

6 To confirm that encapsulation should proceed, enter y (or press Return) at the following prompt: 
The following disk has been selected for encapsulation. Output format: [Device]
device name
Continue with encapsulation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

A message similar to the following confirms that the disk is being encapsulated for use in VxVM and tells you that a reboot is needed: 
The disk device device name will be encapsulated and added to the disk group diskgroup with the disk name diskgroup01. 

7 For non-root disks, you can now choose whether the disk is to be formatted as a CDS disk that is portable between different operating systems, or as a non-portable sliced disk: 
Enter the desired format [cdsdisk,sliced,q,?]
(default: cdsdisk)

Enter the format that is appropriate for your needs. In most cases, this is the default format, cdsdisk. Note that only the sliced format is suitable for use with root, boot or swap disks. 

8 At the following prompt, vxdiskadm asks if you want to use the default private region size of 65536 blocks (32MB). Press Return to confirm that you want to use the default value, or enter a different value. (The maximum value that you can specify is 524288 blocks.) 

Enter desired private region length [<privlen>,q,?]
(default: 65536)

9 If you entered cdsdisk as the format in step 7, you are prompted for the action to be taken if the disk cannot be converted this format:
 Do you want to use 'sliced' as the format should 'cdsdisk' fail? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

If you enter y, and it is not possible to encapsulate the disk as a CDS disk, it is encapsulated as a sliced disk. Otherwise, the encapsulation fails. 

10 vxdiskadm then proceeds to encapsulate the disks. 

VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-311 The device name disk has been configured for encapsulation. 

VxVM INFO V-5-2-340 The first stage of encapsulation has completed successfully. You should now reboot your system at the earliest possible opportunity.

The encapsulation will require two or three reboots whichwill happen automatically after the next reboot. To rebootexecute the command:

shutdown -g0 -y -i6

This will update the /etc/vfstab file so that volume devicesare used to mount the file systems on this disk device. Youwill need to update any other references such as backupscripts, databases, or manually created swap devices.

Note: The original /etc/vfstab file 

At the following prompt, indicate whether you want to encapsulate more disks (y) or return to the vxdiskadm main menu (n): 
Encapsulate other disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

pvremove: The physical volume "/dev/rdsk/" belongs to an exported volume group.

If you're sure the PV doesn't belong to VG, then do: # pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c23t8d6# pvremove /dev/rdsk/c23t8d6... this should cleanup the header and next time when assigning this LUN to VG it won't be necessary to use force option.

indhost:/#pvremove /dev/rdsk/c23t8d6
pvremove: The physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c23t8d6" belongs to an exported volume group.
pvremove: Couldn't remove physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c23t8d6".

indhost:/#pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c23t8d6
Physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c23t8d6" has been successfully created.

indhost:/#pvremove /dev/rdsk/c23t8d6
The physical volume associated with "/dev/rdsk/c23t8d6" has been removed.