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Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to add node to (CVM)SFCFS Cluster

We had lab1 & lab2 in existing CVM two node cluster, as part of exercise, we will be adding node lab3 in existing node. 

1.      Make sure that you meet the following requirements:
·         The node must be connected to the same shared storage devices as the existing nodes.
·         The node must have private network connections to two independent switches for the cluster.
For more information, see the Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide.
·         The network interface names used for the private interconnects on the new node must be the same as that of the existing nodes in the cluster.
2.      Install SFCFS on the new system.
3.      Update /etc/host
4.      Pass ssh key to each node.

Starting Volume Manager on the new node
Volume Manager uses license keys to control access. As you run the vxinstall utility, answer n to prompts about licensing. You installed the appropriate license when you ran the installsfcfs program.
To start Volume Manager on the new node
1.        To start Veritas Volume Manager on the new node, use the vxinstall utility:
# vxinstall
2.      Enter n when prompted to set up a system wide disk group for the system.
The installation completes.
3.        Verify that the daemons are up and running. Enter the command:
# vxdisk list
Make sure the output displays the shared disks without errors.

Cluster Status Before adding new node:
[root@lab1 /]# hastatus -summ


-- System               State                Frozen             

A  lab1                 RUNNING              0                   

A  lab2                 RUNNING              0                   


-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State         

B  app_sg          lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  app_sg          lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE     

[root@lab1 /]# cfscluster status

  Node             :  lab1

  Cluster Manager  :  running

  CVM state        :  running


  /app/test      appvol01       appdg             MOUNTED      

  /app/test1     appvol02       appdg             MOUNTED      

  Node             :  lab2

  Cluster Manager  :  running

  CVM state        :  running


  /app/test      appvol01       appdg             MOUNTED      

  /app/test1     appvol02       appdg             MOUNTED      

Configuring LLT and GAB on the new node (lab3)
Perform the steps in the following procedure to configure LLT and GAB on the new node.
To configure LLT and GAB on the new node (lab3)
1.      Edit the /etc/llthosts file on the existing nodes. Using vi or another text editor, add the line for the new node to the file. The file resembles:
[root@lab1 /]# cat /etc/llthosts

0 lab1

1 lab2

[root@lab1 /]# vi /etc/llthosts

[root@lab1 /]# cat /etc/llthosts

0 lab1

1 lab2

2 lab3

[root@lab2 ~]# cat /etc/llthosts

0 lab1

1 lab2

[root@lab2 ~]# vi /etc/llthosts

[root@lab2 ~]# cat /etc/llthosts

0 lab1

1 lab2

2 lab3

2.      Copy the /etc/llthosts file from one of the existing systems over to the new system. The /etc/llthosts file must be identical on all nodes in the cluster.
[root@lab3 ~]# cat /etc/llthosts

0 lab1

1 lab2

2 lab3

3.      Create an /etc/llttab file on the new system. For example:
set-node saturn
set-cluster 101
link en1 /dev/dlpi/en:1 - ether - -
link en2 /dev/dlpi/en:2 - ether - -
Except for the first line that refers to the node, the file resembles the /etc/llttab files on the existing nodes. The second line, the cluster ID, must be the same as in the existing nodes.
[root@lab3 ~]# cat /etc/llttab

set-node lab3

set-cluster 28805

link eth4 eth-00:0C:29:22:2D:D7 - ether - -

link eth5 eth-00:0C:29:22:2D:CD - ether - -

link-lowpri eth3 eth-00:0C:29:22:2D:C3 - ether - -
4.      Use vi or another text editor to create the file /etc/gabtab on the new node. This file must contain a line that resembles the following example:
#/sbin/gabconfig -c –nN
Where N represents the number of systems in the cluster. For a three-system cluster, N would equal 3.
[root@lab3 ~]# cat /etc/gabtab

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n3

5.      Edit the /etc/gabtab file on each of the existing systems, changing the content to match the file on the new system.
[root@lab1 /]# cat /etc/gabtab

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

[root@lab1 /]# vi /etc/gabtab

[root@lab1 /]# cat /etc/gabtab

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n3

[root@lab2 ~]# cat /etc/gabtab

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

[root@lab2 ~]# vi /etc/gabtab

[root@lab2 ~]# cat /etc/gabtab

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n3
6.        Use vi or another text editor to create the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname on the new node. This file must contain the name of the new node added to the cluster.
For example:
[root@lab3 ~]# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname

7.     Create the Unique Universal Identifier file /etc/vx/.uuids/clusuuid on the new node:
# -rsh -clus -copy -from_sys galaxy -to_sys lab3

8.        Start the LLT, GAB, and ODM drivers on the new node:
# /etc/init.d/llt.rc start
# /etc/init.d/gab.rc start
# /etc/methods/gmskextadm load
# /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S99odm start
[root@lab3 ~]# /etc/init.d/llt start

Starting LLT:

LLT: loading module...

Loaded 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 on kernel 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64

LLT: configuring module…

[root@lab3 ~]# /etc/init.d/gab start

Starting GAB:

Loaded 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 on kernel 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64

Started gablogd

gablogd: Keeping 20 log files of 8388608 bytes each in |/var/log/gab_ffdc| directory. Daemon log size limit 8388608 bytes

9.        On the new node, verify that the GAB port memberships are a, b, d, h, v, w and f:
# gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen df204 membership 012
Port b gen df20a membership 012
Port d gen df207 membership 012
Port h gen df207 membership 012

[root@lab3 ~]# gabconfig -a

GAB Port Memberships


Port a gen    4d703 membership 012

Configuring CVM and CFS on the new node

Modify the existing cluster configuration to configure CVM and CFS for the new node.
1.      Make a backup copy of the file, if not backed up in previous procedures. For example:
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
# cp
[root@lab1 /]# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config

[root@lab1 config]# cp -p
2.      On one of the nodes in the existing cluster, set the cluster configuration to read-write mode:
# haconf -makerw
[root@lab1 /]# haconf -makerw
3.      Add the new node to the VCS configuration, if not already added:
# hasys -add lab3
[root@lab1 /]# hasys -add lab3
4.      To enable the existing cluster to recognize the new node, run the following commands on one of the existing nodes:
# hagrp -modify cvm SystemList -add lab3 2
# hagrp -modify cvm AutoStartList -add lab3
# hares -modify cvm_clus CVMNodeId -add lab3 2
# haconf -dump -makero
# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm -m vcs reinit
# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm nidmap

 [root@lab1 /]# hagrp -modify cvm SystemList -add lab3 2

[root@lab1 /]# hagrp -modify cvm AutoStartList -add lab3

[root@lab1 /]# hares -modify cvm_clus CVMNodeId -add lab3 2

[root@lab1 /]# hagrp -modify app_sg SystemList -add lab3 2

[root@lab1 /]# hagrp -modify app_sg AutoStartList -add lab3

[root@lab1 /]# hares -modify cfsmount1 NodeList -add lab3

[root@lab1 /]# hares -modify cfsmount2 NodeList -add lab3

[root@lab1 /]# hares -list

cfsmount1                    lab1

cfsmount1                    lab2

cfsmount1                    lab3

cfsmount2                    lab1

cfsmount2                    lab2

cfsmount2                    lab3

cvm_clus                     lab1

cvm_clus                     lab2

cvm_clus                     lab3

cvm_vxconfigd                lab1

cvm_vxconfigd                lab2

cvm_vxconfigd                lab3

cvmvoldg1                    lab1

cvmvoldg1                    lab2

cvmvoldg1                    lab3

vxattachd                    lab1

vxattachd                    lab2

vxattachd                    lab3

vxfsckd                      lab1

vxfsckd                      lab2

vxfsckd                      lab3

[root@lab1 /]# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm -m vcs reinit

[root@lab1 /]# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm nidmap

Name                             CVM Nid    CM Nid     State              

lab1                             1          0          Joined: Master     

lab2                             0          1          Joined: Slave      

lab3                             2          2          Out of Cluster     

5.      On the remaining nodes of the existing cluster, run the following commands:
# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm -m vcs reinit

# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm nidmap

[root@lab2 ~]# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm -m vcs reinit

[root@lab2 ~]# /etc/vx/bin/vxclustadm nidmap

Name                             CVM Nid    CM Nid     State              

lab1                             1          0          Joined: Master     

lab2                             0          1          Joined: Slave      

lab3                             2          2          Out of Cluster 
6.      Copy the configuration files from one of the nodes in the existing cluster to the new node:
# rcp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ \
     # rcp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ \
# rcp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ \

[root@lab1 /]# scp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

[root@lab1 /]# scp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

 root@lab1 /]# scp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

[root@lab1 /]# hastatus -summ


-- System               State                Frozen             

A  lab1                 RUNNING              0                   

A  lab2                 RUNNING              0                   

A  lab3                 UNKNOWN              0                   


-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State         

B  app_sg          lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  app_sg          lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  app_sg          lab3                 N          N               OFFLINE       

B  cvm             lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab3                 N          N               OFFLINE       


-- Group           Type                 Resource             System             

E  app_sg          CFSMount             cfsmount1            lab3               

E  app_sg          CFSMount             cfsmount2            lab3               

E  app_sg          CVMVolDg             cvmvoldg1            lab3               

E  cvm             CFSfsckd             vxfsckd              lab3               

E  cvm             CVMCluster           cvm_clus             lab3               

E  cvm             CVMVxconfigd         cvm_vxconfigd        lab3               

E  cvm             ProcessOnOnly        vxattachd            lab3               

Starting VCS after adding the new node

Start VCS on the new node.
1.    Start VCS on the new node:
# hastart
VCS brings the CVM group online.
2.    Verify that the CVM group is online:
# hagrp -state

[root@lab1 Desktop]# hastatus -summ


-- System               State                Frozen             

A  lab1                 RUNNING              0                    

A  lab2                 RUNNING              0                   

A  lab3                 RUNNING              0                   


-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State         

B  app_sg          lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  app_sg          lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  app_sg          lab3                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab1                 Y          N               ONLINE        

B  cvm             lab2                 Y          N               ONLINE        
B  cvm             lab3                 Y          N               ONLINE

Thank you for reading.

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