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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Part 1 - AWS Overview

Why Learn AWS?

·       Fastest growing cloud computing platform on the planet
·        Largest public could computing platform on the planet
·        More & more organization are outsourcing their IT to AWS
·        The AWS certification are the most popular IT certification right now
·        The safest place to be in IT right now

How the Exams Fit Together

 What you will learn

The Exam Blue Print


·        80 Minutes in Length
·        60 Questions (this can change)
·        Multiple Choice
·        Pass Mark based on a bell curve (it move around)
·        Aim for 70%
·        Qualification is valid for 2 years
·        Scenario based questions

What you will need

·       An AWS Free Tier Account
·        A Computer with an SSH terminal
·        A domain name (optional)

History of AWS

·        2003 - Chris Pinkman & Benjamin Black Present a paper on what Amazon's own internal infrastructure should look like
·        Suggested selling it as a service and prepared a business case.
·        SQS officially launched in 2004.
·        AWS officially launched in 2006
·        2007 over 180,000 developers on the platform
·        2010 all of moved over
·        2012 First Re-Invent Conference
·        2013 Certification launched
·        2014 Committed to achieve 100% renewable energy usage for its global footpring
·        2015 AWS breaks out its revenue $6 Billion USD per annum and growing close to 90% year on year.

Concepts & Components Part1

What is a Region? What is an AZ?

·        AWS is divided into geographic regions and availability zones
·        Region
o   A Region is a geographical area. Each Region consists of 2 (or more) Availability Zones.
§  Network connection between zones in the same region have low latency
o   Each region is guaranteed to be completely isolated from any other region
o   Several regions are available
§  US East—Virginia (us-east-1)
§  US West—California (us-west-1)
§  US West—Oregon (us-west-2)
§  Asia Pacific—Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)
§  Asia Pacific—Singapore (ap-southeast-1)
§  Asia Pacific—Sydney (ap-southeast-2)
§  Asia Pacific—Seoul (ap-northeast-2)
§  Asia Pacific—Mumbai Region
§  EU West—Ireland (eu-west-1)
§  EU-Central—Germany (eu-central-1)
§  South America—Sao Paulo (sa-east-1)
§  China—Beijing (cn-north-1)
§  US Government (us-gov-west-1)
·        Availability Zone (AZ)
o   An Availability Zone (AZ) is Simply a Data Center; a group of servers
o   Individual datacenter within an AWS region. A region is made up of multiple datacenter and the fundamental property of AWS is building across differently availability zones and regions.
·        Two zones are guaranteed not to share any common points of failure
·        Edge Locations:
o   Location build to deliver cached data across the world. CloundFront CDN utilizes this service for faster delivery to countries without AWS regions.

Implications of Regions and Zones

·        AWS provides the capability to deploy resources in specific regions and availability zones
o   Pricing may depend on region
·        Can utilize a region geographically close to users
o   To potentially improve performance
·        Can comply with legal and regulatory requirements
o   Restrictions on where data is hosted
§  For example, within U.S. borders
·        Using multiple regions/availability zones can reduce downtime
o   Mitigate effects of a failure of a single location
o   Can actually improve the availability promised by Amazon

Service Level Agreements

·        Amazon publishes SLAs
o   The terms of the service
o   Defines Amazon’s commitment in providing the service
§  And ramifications of not meeting the service level
·        Different AWS services have different SLAs
·        Understanding the SLAs is critical when hosting a solution on AWS
o   Essentially a contract between you and Amazon
·        Differences may exist between the design specification and the SLA
o   Be sure you know what is actually being promised

What is An Edge Location?

·        Edge Location are CDN (Content Delivery Network) End Points for Cloud Front.
·        There are many more Edge Location than Regions.
·        There are over 50 Edge Locations.
·        Edge Location helps lower latency and improves performance for end users.

A Brief Look at Today's Region

The AWS platform consists of how many regions currently?
A.     10
B.     11
C.    12
D.    13
Answer: D
Explanation: This number changes with reasonable frequency, check the AWS document from time to time.

Which is the default region in AWS?
A.     eu-west-1
B.    us-east-1
C.    us-east-2
D.    ap-southeast-1
Answer: B

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