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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Part - 8 - AWS - AWS Elastic BeanStalk

AWS Elastic BeanStalk

·        Platform to execute and manage applications
o   Extends AWS to Platform as a Service (PaaS)
·        Automatically manages many AWS resources to provide everything needed to execute an application
·        AWS service is specifically designed for developers to upload their code to and then it will automatically handle the provisioning of those resources that are required to host that code.
·        AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it even easier for developers to quickly deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud.
Ø  Applications are uploaded and execution details can be handled automatically by Elastic BeanStalk
o   Capacity provisioning
o   Load balancing
o   Auto scaling
o   Health monitoring
o   Etc.
Ø  Supports the following platforms
o   .NET on Windows
o   Java on Linux
o   PHP on Linux
o   Node.js on Linux
o   Python on Linux
o   Ruby on Linux
o   Docker
Ø  An Elastic Beanstalk platform is just a collection of standard AWS resources
o   EC2, Auto Scaling, load balancing, S3, SNS, CloudWatch, etc.
o   Provisioned automatically
o   There is no extra cost for this
§  Only pay for the resources used

Creating an Application for Beanstalk

Ø  No special requirement to host an application on Beanstalk
o   For example: supports virtually any Java web application
§  Package the application in a standard Java Web Archive (WAR) file
§  Existing JEE applications should be able to be deployed with no problem
·        Without even recompiling
o   Same is true for the other environments

Hosting an Application on Beanstalk

Ø  Steps
o   From the Elastic Beanstalk service, click Create New Application
o   Type a name and description; click Create
o   Select the environment tier, configuration, and environment type
o   Click Next

o   Select the application package to deploy
o   Set update deployment limits

o   Request a unique URL that will be used to access your application
§  Can be mapped to your own domain name later

o   Select an instance type (standard EC2 instance types)
o   Provide a key pair if you want to be able to SSH into the instances
o   Provide an e-mail address to be notified of any changes or issues
o   Several additional configuration details

·        Once deployed, the application environment can be administered
o   Can control many aspects of the environment

o   Change button under Configuration allows environment to be changed/updated

Controlling Environment Configuration

Ø  Configuration screen has several sections

Ø  The software configuration allows control over the framework
o   This example is for Java (Tomcat)

Uploading New Application Versions

Ø  Uploading new versions of an existing application is very easy

Updating the Environment

Ø  Beanstalk differs from other PaaS offerings
o   Provides full control over the underlying infrastructure
§  Can manually control all resources for maximum flexibility
§  For example, direct login access to instances
Ø  Once launched, AWS does not update the environment
Ø  Amazon will periodically update the provided environments
o   Must change to a new environment to take advantage of the updates

Deleting a Beanstalk Application

Ø  Perform the following steps to delete the application just deployed
o   From the AWS Management Console, select the Elastic Beanstalk service
o   Click the application you just deployed
o   Click the Actions button and select “Terminate this environment”
§  Read the information in the dialog

o   Click the Terminate button

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